This is better than buttered biscuits and sweet tea, belles and beaus.
Before we get started let's get to know you a little better! Got a favorite southern city?
My sweet home of Franklin, Tennessee of course! It truly doesn't get better than the farmland, the sweet homes, and the charming shops in Franklin.
Any southern comfort foods you flip over?
I'm always on the look out for fried pickles. I crave starch- mashed potatoes, twice-baked potatoes, french fries... Oh, and I can't cook but I can make a mean pecan pie from scratch. (A girl who can down potatoes and bake pie is good in our book!)
Tell us how this love story began
On the very first day of college classes! I was a nervous freshman, fifteen minutes late to the first class of my college education. I awkwardly stumbled into a room full of responsible, timely students- as all eyes were on me; he was the first person I noticed. Boy, was he cute! Lucky for me, the only open seat was next to him. I was too shy to strike up conversation, but fate would put us in the same project group a few weeks later. I was ecstatic. I'd notice him from across the cafeteria, I'd search for him at football games, I'd go places hoping he'd be there too. After our first real meeting, we connected instantly. We rushed through the 'just friends' stage and began dating in January of the following year. We've found it hard to spend one minute apart since. I laugh at how girlish and boy-crazy (not to mention infatuated!) I was when I first met him. I usually work really hard to appear calm and collected, but I was just too taken by him.
We're already melting inside, now tell us more about the guy!
Cameron has the kindest, most gentle soul of any man I have ever met. He is bold and courageous in a humble and unassuming way. He loves me fearlessly and fully without any expectation of that love being returned. He gives me the space to be sad, to be angry, to feel hurt, but constantly encourages a joyful, laughter-filled, and forgiving relationship. He has healed the wounds of past relationships that left me feeling shameful and mistrusting by extending loving grace and complete selflessness. He is proud of me- he adores me in a way I didn't think was possible and cares for me in ways I certainly don't feel deserving of. I have learned from him, I have gotten to know my truest self because of him, and I have grown in beautiful ways since I have known him.
Now that we're all bursting with envy, how did Cameron propose?
I'm a summer girl, so the beach is my happy place. My family, fiancé, and I stayed in a house near Seaside, Florida for Spring Break this year. A few family members were staying down the beach, so we decided to meet up at Aly's Beach to take family pictures. Aly's Beach is a little slice of heaven in my mind. It's the perfect little seaside community with all white (yay!) homes and buildings. Cameron took me on a walk along the beach, as everyone else was supposedly getting ready to take pictures. As we walked he retold a sweet story from the beginning of our relationship and very nervously reminded me how much he loved me and how sure he was that he didn't want to spend a day without me. He got down on one knee and popped the question- it wasn't until later that he told me I didn't answer his questions for what felt like an eternity. I was shocked! Everyone came running down the beach and joined me with hugs, tears, and very loud screams. I am so thankful that I was able to celebrate such a special moment with family.
We know you've got a great since of style! What's going to be the vibe at your wedding?
A barefoot ceremony on the beach and an evening reception at Aly's. I want my guests to be comfortable, relaxed, and thoroughly enjoy themselves. Cameron and I like to keep it simple- we love good music, dancing, and yummy food. I want everything to be outdoors, everything to be lit up with bright lights, and everything to be white. I love old farm tables, cozy seating, candles, lanterns, and antique touches. I've got a shabby, rustic style and I hope our wedding will reflect that.
We love the all white theme! Any other colors you'll be incorporating?
I know this goes against every rule of complimentary colors, but my favorite color combination is white and cream. I am a sucker for anything washed-out, pale, and creamy. My closet is primarily whites, off-whites, tans, pale blues, and grays. I would like our beach wedding to be calm, serene, and light, so my color palette will be totally white-washed! Right now I'm thinking white, cream, and a light robins-egg blue, but I wouldn't mind (small) pops of coral here and there- something fun to contrast all the white!
Any special or unique touches you'd like to incorporate?
For the ceremony, we'd like to have a ukulele playing our favorite songs. Because Cameron and I are not just joining 'hands' but families and friends as well, our parents will be standing in front with us rather than watching from the aisle. There's a charming old-fashioned donut truck that serves homemade donuts at Aly's. We are hoping to have the donut truck at our reception rather than a cake. I love the idea of one or two long tables rather than several small tables, and since our wedding will have fewer guests we're hoping to have that family feel. Also, we'll have a cigar bar and a sangria bar for the guests enjoyment... we must have a cigar bar. I hope to incorporate many unique things into our wedding! We like to do things a little differently.
Thank you Allye for sharing your story with us! I think I speak for us all when I say you will make a beautiful bride! We can't wait to hear about your wedding, have fun planning, and take it all in!
Belle of the Blog